Will you help to save the Greater Bilby From Extinction?

Taronga is not-for-profit. Every dollar you spend saves wildlife. Donations $2 and over are tax-deductible for Australian residents.
Saving Australia's Beloved Easter Bunny.
Bilbies are incredibly intelligent and resillient animals. They are built to thrive Australia's harsh and dry landscape. They contribute greatly to the desert ecosystem through turning over soil by digging and providing shelter through their 2m deep burrows. Other native plants and species rely on the survival of the Greater Bilby to survive and thrive.
If we lose them, we lose so much more.
Sadly, although they are perfectly built for Australia, they aren't built to survive against feral foxes and cats. They also are heavily impacted by feral rabbits by competing for shelter and food.
This is the last of their species in left in the world. Once they are gone, they are gone forever. This is why the work being done at Taronga is so important.

Taronga team members doing a health assessment on a Bilby that's part of the breed-for-release program. |

The Greater Bilby conservation project at Taronga.
Located within Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Dubbo, there’s a massive 110ha Sanctuary which was built in 2019. This was created to breed Australian native species to release back into the wild!
The Taronga Sanctuary was built to breed sustainable populations of multiple Australian species, starting with the Greater Bilby. In the free-range enclosure, they live just as they would outside of the sanctuary but without threats from feral cats, wild dogs or foxes.
They are left to be wild – digging burrows, searching for food, mating and raising their joeys.
The first release into the wild.
Back in 2020, Taronga, alongside conservation partners released 10 zoo-bred Greater Bilbies back into Sturt National Park. Taronga was integral to helping to return Bilbies to NSW after they had been extinct for in NSW 100 years!
..But this was just the start.
Taronga has since supported the reintroduction to other sites across Australia, including 34 Bilbies Taronga sent to Newhaven Sanctuary in the NT.
However there is so much more work to be done. Which is why we need your urgent help to support the continuation of this project.

Taronga team members carefully placing the first 10 Bilbies to be released into Sturt National Park into the plane. |
How does your donation help Greater Bilbies?
Your donation today can help to save the Greater Bilby from extinction by funding the health checks, breeding, research, and monitoring to continue this massive and incredibly impactful project.
By donating today, you can be a part of helping rewild our desert landscapes with Australia's beloved and iconic eco-engineer.

Can help cover the costs of health checks, to make sure Bilbies are fit and ready to thrive after their release.

Can help equip the conservation team with urgently-needed equipment and cameras to monitor Bilbies before and after their release.

Can go towards breeding and research to give Bilbies the best chance of building sustainable populations in the wild.
Please give generously. Every dollar makes a massive impact for wildlife. Every dollar counts!

Cameron Kerr AO, Chief Executive, Taronga. Releasing one of the first 10 Taronga bred Bilbies to return to the wild in Sturt National Park from the Taronga Greater Bilby Conservation Project.
Taronga is not-for-profit. Every dollar you spend saves wildlife. Donations $2 and over are tax-deductible for Australian residents.